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968 670 444 / 686 119 14
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News about Archena.
The big week of folklore archenero that carries the name of the Patroness of Archena this year celebrates its twenty-first edition
Pilgrimage of the Cross and Icon of JMJ by Archena
The dramatic group 'Parnaso' stage on Sunday the work 'Juan Jose' of Joaquin Dicenta
Rociera night in the Spain Square
The Patron Saint Archena stretch into the weekend and full of action
Archena Arzheina Association holds its annual Charity performance Saturday morning at the Summer Cinema
This afternoon marks the 100th anniversary of the Papal award for Holy processions in the afternoon Corpus Archena
Participation and unprecedented influx of people in the Moors and Christians celebrations of Corpus Christi and the Virgin of Health
The election on Saturday of the Queens of the holidays start the program acts of the Feast of a Patron Saint
The feast of San Isidro each year attracts more followers in the streets of Archena
XXI National Folklore Festival Virgen de la Salud 2010 Archena
WAM festival
Information about WAM festival.
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